If you've heard the story about putting cut onions around your home to trap germs and viruses think again. Hoax-Slayer says it doesn't work.

As a side benefit to reading this blog, here's a link to Hoax-Slayer that clears the air about some of the suggestions that arrive in your inbox or your friends post on Facebook.
Save your onion for a salad or cooking and try a few of these tips to reduce the spread of germs in your home.
Take out the trash "Daily." Harmful germs can be transmitted into the air from your household garbage.
Clean your kitchen counters and cabinet handles with vinegar "Daily." A quick wipe down with vinegar works wonders to reduce the spread of germs in the kitchen. Some commercial cleaners can work even better than vinegar,but if you are concerned about harsh chemicals vinegar is a great alternative because it contains 5% acetic acid. Some believe boiling water with vinegar on the stove once per week helps to kill germs in the air, but it is more likely that boiled vinegar is better at eliminating some odors in the air than it is for killing germs in the air.
Clean your bathrooms with hospital-strength liquid Lysol. Bathrooms serve as a breeding ground for lots of germs. This product kills germs quickly and the liquid minimizes the harm to allergies because you do not have to spray it.
Use alcohol to clean windows, mirrors and faucets. Rubbing alcohol is cheaper and does a better job than glass and mirror cleaners.
Full details on these tips and more can be found at 6 Ways to Reduce Germs In Your Home found here.
The best tip for reducing the spread of germs (that doesn't need to be searched at Hoas-Slayer) is to WASH YOUR HANDS a lot.
Here's to a healthy home this winter and check Hoax-Slayer or Snopes to learn if it's fact or fiction.

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