Saturday, February 26, 2011

How many tenants for student housing?

People in the City of Orillia who rent to students or anyone, need to know the new rules to protect both the landlord and the tenant.   

For a very easy to understand explanation on whether you require approval for having tenants within a home listen to the audio I recorded at a meeting held February 24th, 2011 where Terry Duff (City of Orillia Fire Prevention Officer) and Jill Lewis (Senior Planner, City of Orillia) explained the new rules for the City of Orillia.

You should always consult with the City of Orillia if you are considering any rental situation just to protect yourself, but if you have more than 4 people paying rent even if the rent is in services rather than dollars it's a must. 

The new rule is basically the owner and four other paying customers can live in the home without any changes required, however once the number of paying customers increases to five the new bylaw comes into effect.

For more information contact the City of Orillia

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